Est-ce que vous vivez votre rêve ou si vous êtes devenus un esclave de la société?

Ce court vidéo fait réfléchir! La raison pour laquelle il a été fait, c’est pour faire réaliser aux gens qu’il faut faire attention à ne pas focuser seulement sur nos biens matériels, mais surtout de prendre soin de nos relations avec nos familles, amis, collègues. C’est facile de tomber dans la déshumanisation et de devenir esclave du système. Prenez le temps de visionnez!


” In our modern-day world where people are more focused upon ‘things’ rather than ‘people’, an extreme amount of dehumanization has become norm. In order to obtain dominion over others, individuals have isolated themselves from their peers, perceiving them to be inanimate objects. In doing so, they have in effect alienated themselves from their own human condition.

Obviously the video may be interpreted in a variety of ways, but this author believes it is imperative to take from the haunting film the lesson to re-align ourselves with the world we live in, as well as those we share it with.

You are not meant to be a slave to the system. Working a 9-5 day job you hate, to fuel a capitalist society which contributes to global degeneration through unsustainable habits, to pay off a list of debts accumulated to sustain such lifestyle, to live in isolation use others to ‘get ahead’ is opposite of what the human spirit craves ”

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